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The Exhibitions Group at Large
Alongside our own programme of events The Exhibitions Group enjoys participating at other events around the UK and internationally. If you would like us to participate in your event please email seminars@theexhibitionsgroup.org.uk
Upcoming Events
Join us at the GEM Conference, 11 – 13 September 2024, M Shed, Bristol
TEG will have a stand at the conference this week and we’re really looking forwarding to attending!
Come and speak to us to learn more about TEG membership, our Learning and Events programme, and our delivery plan as an ACE-funded IPSO (Investment Principles Support Organisation).
Full information about the GEM conference can be found here.
We’re attending the Museums Association Conference 2024: 12 – 14 November 2024, Royal Armouries, Leeds
Our Professional Development Manager, Dana, and our Marketing and Communications Consultant, Rachel, will both be attending this event as delegates.
Do say hello if you see them!
Full information on the MA Conference can be found here.
We’ll be at the Museums + Heritage Show, 14 – 15 May 2025, Olympia London
More to follow!
Full information on the M+H Show can be found here.
Past Events
GEM Conference, 13 – 15 September 2023, Historic Dockyard, Chatham
TEG had a stand for the duration of the conference in September.
Full information about the GEM conference can be found here.
M+H Show, London on Wednesday 10 May 2023
TEG attended on our stand in the Sector Support Organisations area of the show.
Alice Lobb, TEG Professional Development Officer (Trustee) / Exhibitions Manager, Barbican Art Gallery and Dana Andrew TEG Professional Development Manager gave a talk on reducing the environmental impact of exhibitions.
2022 Museums Association Conference
Dana Andrew (TEG Professional Development Manager) attended the Museums Association Conference in Edinburgh, 3 – 5 November 2022.
ICOM Prague 2022
Alanna Davidson (TEG Co-Chair) and Dana Andrew (TEG Professional Development Manager) attended the ICOM Prague 2022 Conference, 20 – 28 August 2022.
Dana joined an in-conversation session with international colleagues on Tuesday 23 August to speak about ‘reimaging exhibition and touring models for a sustainable future’. The in-conversation was part of a session organised by ICEE, ICETHICS, COMCOL, ICOM US on ‘Just and Committed, Collecting, Curating, and Exchanging for Tomorrow’.
ICOM Prague 2022 was a hybrid conference. For more information visit the ICOM Prague 2022 website.
American Alliance of Museums Annual Meeting, 2021
Dana Andrew, TEG Professional Development Manager, joined a panel at the American Alliance of Museums (AAM) Annual Meeting & MuseumExpo.
The ICOM International Committee for Exhibition Exchange (ICEE) Overview on Professional Development Beyond the Pandemic explored how museum professionals are now trying to broaden their skill sets and increase their flexibility as a result of staff cuts and museums reconsidering how they manage teams and engage with audiences. The session outlined global opportunities for professional development and helped professionals navigate the current situation.
The session took place on Monday 7 June at 16:30 BST (UK time). Dana was joined by Francesca Polo, UK (chair), Paula Duarte, Mexico (panellist) and Greg Stevens, USA (panellist).
The AAM Annual Meeting & MuseumExpo is the only event of its scope and scale. It brings together museums of all types and sizes—from art and history museums to zoos and botanic gardens—to share ideas and make connections that are transformative. It’s a place where all museum professionals learn from one another, create partnerships, and leave inspired to make an impact on their museums, communities, and the world.
The 2021 AAM Annual Meeting & MuseumExpo (#AAM2021) took place, online, on May 24 and June 7-9.
2019 Museums Association Conference
TEG attended the MA Exhibition in Brighton, 3rd-4th October 2019, in the Networks Hub.
2018 Museums Association Conference
TEG attended the MA Exhibition in Belfast, 8th-9th November 2018, in the Networks Hub.
The paper was part of the Refresh conference stream. Using the findings from TEG’s ‘Lending and Borrowing Experiences Report’ (Dew:2017) as a starting point, it outlined the barriers, and how through a framework of training, mentoring and small procedural changes these may be removed, resulting in fruitful partnerships, benefiting participating institutions, as well as the public through the resulting exhibitions. It argued that change of this nature is only possible when organisations are open to collaboration; that borrowing activity should be considered a partnership, not a transactional activity.
2017 Museums Association Conference
We launched the TEG Lending and Borrowing Experiences Report on Thursday 16th November. Thank you to everyone who joined us in Manchester.
The report, based on wide-reaching sector research, proposed steps to encourage effective and impactful lending and borrowing and was introduced by Liz Johnson, Senior Manager, Museums Review, Arts Council England. Download MA Conference 2017 presentation
MUSCON, 2017
TEG presented details of exhibitions available to tour internationally at the MUSCON Conference 2017 in Helsinki, from the 20-23 September 2017, on behalf of TEG members Art Works for Change, House of Illustration and People Dancing.
If you are interested to work with TEG to share information about your exhibitions at future MUSCON conferences contact seminars@teg.org.uk
The Museums + Heritage Show, 2017
TEG participated in the Museums + Heritage Show talks programme on the 17 May, Design Theatre, Kensington Olympia:
Sharing Collections: The Benefits and Challenges of Borrowing
Borrowing and lending between museums of different scales and types is an important two-way opportunity to share objects and expertise, and increase opportunities for public engagement. This session presented the results of the Touring Exhibition Group’s (TEG) ACE-funded research into borrowing practices, together with case studies and recommendations for good practice as a lender and borrower. It also introduced the TEG and National Museum Directors Council’s Preparing to Borrow programme of training, mentoring and match-making.
Charlotte Dew, Researcher and Professional Development Manager, Touring Exhibitions Group (TEG) and Suzie Tucker, Head of Strategy & Communications, National Museum Directors’ Council (NMDC)
2016 Museums Association Conference
Our reception at the 2016 Museum’s Association Conference was very well attended and we would like to thank all of you who made it. For those who didn’t, you can see our presentation. Download MA Conference 2016 presentation
MUSCON, 2016
Muscon is a working platform focused on co-producing and travelling exhibitions. TEG attended the 2016 event in Vienna to promote a range of TEG members’ exhibitions, available to tour internationally. See our MUSCON 2016 leaflet.
American Alliance of Museums Annual Meeting, 2016
In May 2016 TEG Researcher Charlotte Dew, attended this annual meeting in Washington DC, with support from ICOM UK. In her subsequent report she reflected on the similarities and differences between the UK and USA domestic touring markets and what UK organisations can learn from the approach taken in the UK. Download TEG USA report.