If you are not currently a TEG member and are interested in joining, please visit the Membership section for information on current subscription rates and benefits. You can also find more detailed information about TEG in the About section.
TEG’s Executive Committee and consulting team are happy to respond to enquiries from members. Contact details can be obtained by clicking on the names listed below. The Manual contains advice on touring exhibitions. Enquiries about events, subscriptions, online resources etc should be sent to the relevant member of the TEG Secretariat as follows:
Executive Director
Reyahn King: director@teg.org.uk
Manual of Touring Exhibitions
Dana Andrew: seminars@teg.org.uk
Ann Barnes: membership@teg.org.uk
Professional Development
Dana Andrew: seminars@teg.org.uk
Marketing and Press Enquiries
Rachel Auty: marketing@teg.org.uk